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Great Weather

Thanksgiving SHOULD be cool, rainy

By Gregg Wendorf
Advance News Journal

Okay, we’re supposed to get rain in South Texas Thanksgiving Day, at least through the morning, and now that I’ve written that, we won’t get any at all. Call me superstitious.

Should we get rain, however, on Thanksgiving Day, and the night before, that’s the way Thanksgiving is supposed to be. The Thanksgivings that are in the upper 80s and sunny, they don’t even feel like Turkey Day. They feel hot, like late October, but not cool, which is what most of late November is supposed to be here in Hidalgo County.

In July, or mid-August, we dream of days like Thanksgiving because most of us relate it to cooler weather with some moisture in the air as well.

When it’s 105 degrees outside, just to cope, we think of days like this Thursday, which is forecast to be — a high of 64 with a 40 percent of rain showers.

Anyway, I’ve run out of steam this week, which shows in my writing for this issue. Usually, I wouldn’t put a story about Thanksgiving weather on the front page, but you know what? In today’s hectic world, where it seems like some new catastrophe is breaking out weekly, sometimes it’s just nice to sit back and smell the air as the breeze passes by. Sixty-four degrees? Perfect.

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