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Just name Dr. Elias ‘Lone Finalist’

No need for PSJA ISD to advertise

Unless I’m missing something, now that PSJA ISD has terminated its contract with its former superintendent, Jorge Arredondo, and named Alejandro Elias as its interim supe, it doesn’t have to advertise the position. Instead, all the district has to do is name him as its “Lone Finalist” for the job, let it sit in the waiting dock for 21 days, and then execute a contract with him.

This gives the public a chance to add its two cents to the board’s decision, fully vet his background, which has already obviously been fully vetted considering his longstanding tenure with the district and position as high school principal, and then negotiate a contract.

I sat down with Dr. Elias (Ed.D) last week for a cup of coffee, just an informal meet, and I came away thinking, there is no way the district can find a better superintendent than this guy. He is the real deal, and now I can see why everyone at his former high school, PSJA Early College (Bears), held him in such high esteem. I say “everyone” because that’s what I kept hearing from many people who knew him before the former board majority and superintendent stripped him of his job title before the Nov. 8 school board election without provocation.

Now he’s got the top job, and I say, let him keep it full time.

He reeks of enthusiasm for educating kids. He is PSJA, born and bred. Rose from humble beginnings to get to where he is, but talking to him, he’s one of those guys who hasn’t forgotten his roots. In other words, despite his doctorate, he doesn’t think the janitor or the cafeteria worker is of any less value to the district. Just my opinion from talking to the guy for about an hour, give or take.

I’ve met other people in my life who grew up without a lot, gained status and a good income, and all of a sudden, they think they’re better than the blue-collar man or woman. When in fact, most of the time, the exact opposite is true. As far as decent human beings go, wealth and status have nothing to do with it. Rather, it’s how you treat people.

Some people will say, the district should advertise for the job. Why? So people can waste time filling out a job app, waste time getting an interview, not to mention the time wasted by district staff, when the right guy for the job is already seated, albeit on an interim basis?

I’ve been around the block long enough that I don’t impress easily; but Elias impressed me. Here is a guy who obviously loves the field of education; he loves the district that educated him and his siblings; he has the experience; he has the enthusiasm to get the job done; and he has the unique quality to come across as easy going, but with the backbone to put people in their place when such a job is required. People who might consider him to be a pushover will find out different.

Better yet, I think the guy actually loves the human race, which isn’t the case with too many people. He wants to make the world a better place, make students placed under his charge successful in life.

People will say, Wendorf, how can you gain so much insight into someone’s character from spending so little time in their company?

Call it life experience. I’ve been bamboozled by people, I’ve been tricked by people, I’ve had phonies blow hot air up my skirt, I’ve had sociopaths convince me they’re nice only to find out they’re not, I’ve been played, I’ve been conned, I’ve seen pretty much everything the human race has to offer, both good and bad. So, after so many years on planet earth, I now consider myself an excellent judge of character, with the ability to see through phonies.

Trust me, Alejandro Elias isn’t a phony. He’s the best guy for the job of new superintendent of PSJA ISD, and if I’m not mistaken, the district doesn’t have to advertise for the position. Check with legal to make sure, and if I am, name him “Lone Finalist” for 21 days, and when the three weeks have passed, let the board vote to hire him as the new full-time supe. The district won’t regret it, neither will the students, teachers, administrators, support staff, and parents who comprise it.

Trust me. Alejandro Elias is the real deal.

After three years spent in the doldrums, with its $25-million deficit and low morale, it’s nice to see PSJA ISD back on top again, or at least headed in that direction.

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