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How to Stop The Surge?

How to Stop The Surge?

Earlier this month, May 4, the U.S. Border Patrol’s Rio Grande Valley sector reported that approximately 2,400 illegal immigrants mainly comprised of family units, single women, and/or unaccompanied minors were apprehended, most of them on a voluntary basis.

Can we just call him a dictator?
Can we just call him a dictator?

Can we just call him a dictator?

Yeah, I know, a newspaper shouldn’t put a written opinion on its front page in place of a straight-news piece. It might irritate and annoy half my audience. But when you run the paper, thankfully, you can do what you want. In this case, I want to take the time to lambast the hell out of the governor, Greg “Can I get a witness” Abbott, who is not only wrong with regard to his latest facemask mandate as it relates to governmental bodies and schools, but he’s a hypocrite besides. In this case, call Greg a two-fer.


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