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Pets of the week
Pets of the week
Pets of the week
Pets of the week
Pets of the week
Pets of the week

Pets of the week

Here’s what we know about this lovely lady Francisca: she’s about 2 years old, she’s been out in playgroups before, she’s preferred to have no roommates in her kennel, and she’s not keen on sharing her food with other animals. She’s been out on a Tails on the Town adventure to local stores, and she was friends with everyone. She met little people and wasn’t phased at all by their funny and intrusive movements. She knows how to sit and walks well on a leash too! Meet her at our Trenton Center today!

Asking, Seeking, Knocking?

Asking, Seeking, Knocking?

Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a leader in the German church called the Confessional Church, was arrested by the Gestapo in April 1943. (The Gestapo was the ruthless and murderous Nazi war machine’s secret police during World War II.) A year later, Bonhoeffer was jailed in Berlin’s Tegel prison. Bonhoeffer was later hung by the Nazis at Flossenburg concentration camp only a few days before the camp was liberated by the allies.


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