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Supe move is a no-brainer

Supe move is a no-brainer

The move by McAllen ISD Superintendent J.A. Gonzalez to Harlingen CISD is really a no-brainer. The same money, probably a little bit more, in the $270K range, with fewer students, and a district that’s chugging along with few problems, while McAllen ISD is looking at a staff reduction for next school year.

Get Sober

Get Sober

Do you know someone struggling with alcoholism or some other form of substance abuse? Crack, meth, heroin, pick one. To varying degrees, when abused, they all deflate the user, making them no more than half the person they might have been if they were living clean and sober.

Forced blood draws?

Forced blood draws?

Hidalgo County DA “Terry” Palacios has said publicly that he is in favor of this county adopting a No-Refusal policy, whereby suspected drunk drivers can be forced to submit to a blood-alcohol check, whether they like it or not.

Locked Inside

Locked Inside

Being that I’m a cheery guy, I find myself thinking sometimes, what are the worst ways to die? Then I’ll rank them from best to the absolute worst.


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217 W. Park Avenue
Pharr, TX 78577